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Daiko Jewellery

Малосерийные и эксклюзивные ювелирные украшения из благородных металлов с драгоценными камнями.


DAIKO JEWELLERY WORKSHOP is a little Russian dream in each jewelry. Our jewelry is made of golden with precious and natural gems like brilliants, rubies and sapphires. DAIKO JEWELLERY WORKSHOP exists since 2005. We always want our customers to be glad with our jewelry, thats why we improve quality of manufacture and skills of our jewelers. Our jewelry is inspired by Russian traditions, national fairytales and epos, and also by the beauty of our female customers.



Contacts Daiko Jewellery

Daiko Jewellery
Малышковский проезд д.30
-- Кострома, Кострома, Russian Federation
Google Maps
