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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is JVF?
JVF is the first international fair that organizes and promotes the world of jewelery on the web to make it easily accessible to everyone.
JVF is an on-line fair.
JVF for Exhibitors.
The Basic Plan offers you a forever free account with which you can discover all the advantages and potential of JVf. You can also activate a free trial period of the Pro Plan.
How do I manage JVF?
JVF is managed with the Dashboard, your personal control panel for Account, Profile, Pages and Activities.
What are the Activities Pages and how do they work?
The Pages are your Stand at the Fair. They represent your activities as a mini-website. They are easy to create and manage, like any other Social network. The number of Pages you can create depends on the Plan you have subscribed for. They are managed using your personal Dashboard.
How do I make a Post?
The Posts that you wish to publish on the Social Network are created by means of your Dashboard and refer to your Pages. Therefore, if you have more than you Page, you can post using different names depending on the activity.
How do I use the Product Catalogue and the Showroom?
The Catalogue allows you to publish your products on the Page to show them to visitors and JVF Buyers. The publication in the Showroom allows you to put them on sale in the Jewelry international salon managed by JVF and promoted for certified activities.
What is a Certified business?
Jewelry Virtual Fair wants to guarantee its users maximum security and reliability of its operators. The Certificate Activities have undergone many inspections by the JVF Team.
Can I delete my account?
Yes. You can delete your account at any time using your Dashboard.
Do you have any other question?
Our Help Center is open 24/7. Send an email to be contacted by our experts.
WhatsApp +66 90 98 54 536
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